Monday, October 8, 2007

Frustrating God

How strong are you? When God calls, is anyone capable of saying no? I used to have a pastor who said, "The only person God can't save you from is yourself." In all honesty, that sucks! I'm the only one I need saving from!

I remember having lunch about that same time with a friend who was reading Watchman Nee. According to my friend's paraphrase, Nee states that you cannot change God's plans, but you can frustrate them.

Free will is alright, but it's like a car stuck in the mud. The car has all of the ability to shoot forward a 100 mile per hour (well maybe not our minivan), but unless the conditions under the tires allow, it's not going anywhere. Praise God!

If not for the sovereignty of God, all our prayers, even our very salvation, would be in jeopardy.

So, I've a friend with a problem. Mistakes, uninformed decisions, etc has led to a lousy situation. Now that friend loves God, seeks Him constantly, gives so much energy to serve Him, so why did He let this problem arise? Why did He not move others to pull along side and warn of the situation ahead? Why did He lead us here? What direction should we head now? When? How far? With what resources?

And why has He surrounded me with grace (a sermon here, a book there, here some grace, there some grace, everywhere grace, grace)? Is it just to point me to the gospel? Probably that simple. Love as I have loved, I'm back to John 15 again. I do not love as Jesus does. I cannot, yet He calls me to do so. Grace. Obedience. Beautiful, how beautiful, to see things afresh.

Existential Christianity. (Went to wikipedia just to make sure I wasn't too far off with where I am going and found they've an entry titled Christian existentialism. Then I went to the Jacksonville library site and put a hold on a couple Kierkegaard's books and a Francis Schaeffer item.) Thank God our salvation is not dependent on our obedience. Even better, Grace transforms obedience from something unobtainable to a privilege. To steal from a couple of new friends, GIGATT (God is good, all the time!)

Our life is what happens as we experience it. God has authored it from the beginning to the end. As I was telling Marlon, we cannot surprise God. It is His story. How cool it is to be part of it! So I live each second as it happens, sometimes well, frequently not. Don't get me wrong. There's food in the refrigerator; I recognize consequences, so we plan ahead, some. At the same time, I hope to avoid planning that may blind my vision to Him. It's all to His glory; even Joseph's brothers failed to hamstring or frustrate God!

So I pray for my friend. I pray for direction. I pray I keep my eyes on Him, because I cannot see at all where He will lead through the next few weeks. I pray He picks my feet up on puts them on His path, sometimes I'd rather be comfortable. Why get involved?

All I know in the end is that I am thankful that I cannot frustrate God's plans, and, also, that He can save me from myself!


gideonmommasita said...

I'm so glad He didn't save you from me! You reap what you sow...that was on the radio last night...Swindol maybe...not being freed from consequences. Amazing Grace.

Melissa said...

Hey Josh, read Oswald Chambers today. I think you will enjoy it. It goes in line with your entry here.

Josh said...

Thanks for the heads up, sometimes I miss days (weeks). I am glad for the "the tiniest fragament of obedience" part!