(I've gotta stop here and almost do a completely different post in parenthesis. I love small group. There's no better place on Wednesday evening! We have a fun, laid back, kingdom seeking group. We don't get it right all the time, so I fit right in. God's been so good lately. When I'm not trying to get my head around the 'why', I get overcome with a flood of thankfulness springing forth from somewhere deep within. He's opened my heart to see Him. Joy. There's more to share on this, but it will have to be another post.)
Our small group's study (after some much needed fellowship over some finger food and desserts) is a discussion of Sunday's sermon. It's great because whatever questions you had during the preaching, you can present to the group. We've been working through Romans on Sunday, and we were talking about chapter 6. Rusty presented the question,"What does being a slave to sin mean to you?"
I slipped up and let my PCA background show (right in front of the group!). I gave a solid doctrinal answer about us understanding our position before a Holy God and thus our need for Christ's sacrifice. Everything was all fine and dandy until the question moved around the room to a gentleman new to the group.
He answered, "Well, it might not be doctrinally correct, but how I face being a slave to sin in a practical way is . . ."
What audacity! What a maroon! Study the Bible to see how to love God and serve Him practically?!? But in truth, what genius, what Christ-likeness. I wasn't much use the rest of the conversation. I was distracted. My mind kept going back to one word, practical.
So, where does my faith meet the road? I am always amazed with the honesty in the ladies' blog entries. Their observations of their own selfishness hit home. Even this blog right now, who is it for? I'd like to believe it might help someone realize that they're not the only one trying to keep their feet beneath them, but I know that at least part of the reason is that I am doing it for myself.
James has been the topic in the adult Sunday school class. Talk about making the Gospel practical! A quick skim over this small book and you'd think he's contradicting letter after letter of Paul's, but no, it's God as much as Ephesians 2. We've looked over facing trials, and started getting into the whole faith vs works funness.
How do you live the Gospel in a practical manner? I don't know exactly. I know I need to love people more by serving them. I know I've responsibilities to my wife, kids, employer, etc, but there's a lot of time left over after I fall short in those areas for me to step out in faith and serve. Anyways, what may be practical for one may not work universally.
So, beyond the general 'love and serve', what are some more specific ways we can love the world? Please share. I believe everyone should have someone outside their immediate family that they are either discipling/mentoring or at least, a peer they're walking beside. I truly believe our culture has placed an emphasis on family to the exclusion of community. I don't do this right myself, but the more I encourage the focus of our family to outside our home, God equips me a little bit more with an attitude and a will that can be bent to His.
Time with Him in prayer and the Word refreshes and strengthens. When you charge a set batteries, it's not just to have a set of charged batteries, it's to use that energy doing something. I need to remember to do something.
But it'll have to be tomorrow. I'm going to bed.